Upcoming events at Beavercreek

  • "Math Madness" Family Math Night

    March 20th 5:00-6:30

    This fun, free family event will take place on Thursday, March 20th from 5:00-6:30pm. Bring the whole family and enjoy fun hands-on math games, activities, demonstrations, and more! Pizza, drinks, and a sweet treat will be served! Take a picture with Benny the Beaver! We will have cards, games, and stickers for you to take home!

    We look forward to seeing you there! ​Be there, or be "square"!

  • All-School Assembly and Spirit Day

    March 21st

    Our monthly all-school assembly will take place on Friday, Match 21st!

  • Spring Break

    March 24th - 28th

    Have a safe and happy Spring Break! We will see you back at school on Monday, March 31st!

  • Pick Up Patrol

    Learn how to manage absences and your child’s pick up information all from the Pick Up Patrol app.

  • Parent Square

    Learn how to access Parent Square, OCSD’s primary family communication tool.

  • Beaver Tales

    Stay up to date with news, events and updates from Beavercreek Elementary.



March 7th

NO SCHOOL - Teacher Grading Day

march 24th - 28th

NO SCHOOL - Spring Break!

march 20th

Family Math Night 5:00-6:30

April 1st

PTO Meeting 6:30-7:30

April 15th

Kindergarten Connect Family Night 5:30-6:30

May 2nd

NO SCHOOL - Teacher PD/Planning Day

ParentSquare Resources

Questions? Comments?
Send us a message!

Follow us on Facebook!

Follow us on Instagram!


21944 S. Yeoman Road
Beavercreek, OR 97004
(P) 503-785-8350
(F)  503-632-8264

School begins:
7:55am Monday - Friday

School ends:
2:10pm Mon., Tue., Thur., Fri.

1:10pm Wednesdays

Building/Office hours:
7:35am - 3:30pm  Monday - Friday
