These are our four school rules. At the beginning of every school year, and then throughout the remainder of the year, students are taught what Safe, Respectful, Responsible and Kind behavior looks like in every aspect of the school (classroom, cafeteria, playground, library, hallway, bathrooms, etc.).
Staff members support students that demonstrate successful behavior by giving the student a Beaver Bravo. These are small tokens that the students collect in order to possibly receive a prize. Students receive Beaver Bravos for demonstrating expected behavior... not necessarily exceptional behavior.
If a student makes a choice that does not demonstrate Safe, Respectful, Responsible or Kind behavior, that student may receive a Minor or Major Referral. Depending on the severity and frequency of the behavior, a staff member will issue the appropriate reprimand. All Major Behavior referrals are seen by the principal and require a parent/guardian signature. These referrals may be accompanied by consequences that could range up to suspension or expulsion. A complete list of disciplinary actions may be found in the Oregon City School District's Code of Conduct for Students.
Beavercreek school continues to be committed to building a positive, caring and safe environment at our school. The safety of our students is our top priority. Every student has the right to come to school and receive an education free of harassing or dangerous behaviors. Disciplinary actions are designed to teach students responsibility for their words and actions. It is viewed as a continuation of the educational experience and is not designed to be merely punitive.
What Is A Behavior Tracking Form?
A Behavior Tracking Form is a form that assists the school in tracking behavior. Tracking occurs in many ways, not just to track individual behavior incidents. Our PBIS Team regularly reviews our behavior data by several categories. The database that we enter Minor and Major Referrals into contained information about the incident including: Student's Name, Grade, Date, Time, Teacher's Name, Type of Behavior, Location, Possible Motivation, Others Involved and a Brief Description. Once this data is entered, the PBIS team can run a report on any one of these categories. This allows us to ensure that all of our students understand the behavioral expectations. This information is confidential and is not shared outside of the school. For example, if we notice that several referrals are coming from the Cafeteria, we would re-teach the expectations concerning cafeteria behavior. Or if we see that a disproportional amount of referrals are being written at 1:45pm, we can investigate what is happening at 1:45pm and how we can correct that behavior.
All of this data helps the school continue to positively reinforce the behavior we want to see demonstrated from our students. And hopefully, this information is helpful for the parents when they see a Major referral come home.